Identifying keywords, topics and summaries using text data from Stack Exchange sites

This is the first time I am covering topic modeling which is one of the cornerstones of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This useful technique is implemented everywhere there is text data. From social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.) to search engines (Google, Bing etc.) to online reviews (Amazon, Yelp etc.), every platform that relies on text data of any kind, utilizes topic modeling to make navigation simpler for customers and analytics easier for the businesses.

Here, topic modeling is used to find keywords and tags from questions on Stack Exchange websites. Also, several key NLP techniques such as regular expressions, tokenization, part-of-Speech (POS) tagging, lemmatization and term frequency-inverse document frequency (TFIDF) are used to clean and prepare the data for modeling.

But before we get into the details, let’s provide some context.


What is Stack Exchange?

Stack Exchange and its associated websites provide a massive platform for sharing technical knowledge and for collaboration on projects. Encompassing actively used sites such as Stack Overflow, Super Users and Ask Ubuntu, the Stack Exchange environment is a network for questions and answers across a wide range of topics. These forums serve as hubs for basic as well as complex queries providing a rich collection of technical text data.

Such information often covers important topics and the latest trends in various industries. A way to summarize this text as well as identify topics in the data could help search engines sort user queries and provide quicker and more accurate results. This would not only help the companies hosting the platform optimize their results but also help other similar forums categorize future questions in an automated manner where users can more easily find solutions to their queries.


What are we trying to do?

In this project, we propose topic modeling techniques to analyze this text data and identify keywords related to each question. As part of the analysis, a common topic modeling algorithm called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is used to predict keywords whereas other NLP techniques are used to preprocess the data.

Stack Exchange as well as similar platforms such as Quora, Reddit, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups etc, could use this model or even adapt the model on their respective platforms to categorize text data. Since text data is platform agnostic, this model and analysis can be extended to other sites and search engines such as Google and Bing. The analysis can also be applied to any sort of text data such as comments, reviews, item descriptions in platforms such as Yelp, Amazon, Twitter etc. 


Data Description

The dataset was acquired from Kaggle and consisted of questions from Stack Exchange users, spanning 420,668 rows. Each instance contained a column that had the question title and another column contained the body of the question which could consist of text as well as code. The text in the body was in HTML format which was processed to extract only the meaningful text. A snippet of the dataset is shown below.


There was an additional column which contained the topics related to each document, serving as the target variable. The original kaggle competition was structured to predict these topics/labels. However, for our purposes, we ignored the target variable and conducted our own analysis on simply the title and the question treating the data as unstructured.


Data Cleaning

a.      Handling missing values

An initial look at the data revealed 420,556 non-null values out of the 420,666 total instances indicating 110 missing/unknown rows. Since this was a relatively small amount, we were able to simply remove these instances without affecting the overall quality of the dataset.

b.      Removing HTML tags

HTML tags are special characters within the source code of websites that encompass different types of data about the features on the page. All such tags generally come in pairs of complimentary tags that indicate the start and end of sequences. The start tag is embedded within the <> notation whereas the end notation is </> emphasize by a forward slash. For example, the <p> and </p> notations indicate a paragraph while the <b> and <b/> tags specify bold text.

All the HTML tags in the dataset were identified and extracted using the re regular expressions library in Python. The Body variable contained a total of 6,231,982 tags out of which 91 were unique tags. One thing to note would be that there could be more than one type of tag in an instance. Below, we can see the 25 highest occurring tags in the Body column. One interesting thing to note from the plot is that all the tag compliments have the same frequencies as expected. However, there are rare cases where a tag could have a different frequency than its compliment. For example, <Code> has 3 occurrences while </Code> has 2 occurrences.


To somewhat visualize the occurrence of these tags in each instance, we can plot the distribution for each tag stacked on top of another as shown in Fig 3. From this plot, it is evident that the frequency of <p> in general is higher. Also, we can see that some tags have unusually high frequencies in certain documents.


The distribution of tag frequencies for Title, as shown below, are far more uneven than the Body case. There are no complimentary tags and some of these words are not even actual HTML tags such as script, img, and object. Most of these words could have simply had <> and <> around them because the user wanted to emphasize them. Considering that, most of these words don’t seem to be keywords either. Therefore, we get rid of these words completely.



c.       Removing newline characters

Newline characters (/n) offer no real value for topic modeling, hence they were removed from the dataset.



a.      Feature selection

It turned out that tokenizing over 450,000 text documents for both Title and Body took up too much computational resources. Further processing would cause the kernel to crash. From initial analysis done on the frequently occurring words using just 500 instances from the dataset, it was discovered that the title in fact contains more crucial keywords than the body. Therefore, for our analysis, we simply used the Title variable.

The figure below shows the 50 most frequent words in the title documents while the following image shows the same for the body. From the title distribution, we can see that words such as create, jquery, server and java are some of the highest occurring words. These words could serve as crucial keywords. The highest occurring words in the body column are http, new, like, try and work. Most of the frequent words in this case are more conversational with a lot of verbs as compared to the words in the title column. This makes sense as the body contains more detailed descriptions while the title tends to contain more keywords.



b.      Word tokenization

Tokenization splits a sentence or text document into tokens which could be words, special characters, punctuations etc. Hence, it’s more effective than simply using the .split() function. This technique is applied to the entire dataset using the word_tokenize() function of Python’s nltk library. A snippet of the tokenized documents is shown below.



c.       Changing words to lowercase

All words in the dataset were changed to lowercase so that the topic model can recognize two words such as ‘Java’ and ‘java’ as the same for practical purposes.


d.      Handling stopwords, special characters and symbols

Stopwords were removed in two stages. First we extracted a list of all common stopwords using the stopwords.words(‘English’) function from the nltk library. However, there were still words such as I, The and ‘d which also behaved as potential stopwords. For these special cases, we iteratively collected as many such strings by checking the highest token frequencies in the dataset.

Tokens such as (, $, “, + etc. would show up as some of the highest frequency tokens but offered little in terms of topic modeling. Therefore, such tokens were manually added to a list which would then be used to filter out these stopwords from the dataset in a single step. This process was repeated two to three times to get rid of the special characters, symbols and other stopwords that the nltk function missed.


e.      Lemmatization

Lemmatization was used to reduce different variations of a word to a single word. For example, runs, ran and running were all changed to the root word run. However, we needed to provide a context for the change. In our case, the context or part of speech was set to a verb which allowed all the variations of a word to be changed to the simplest verb form.

The verb context was selected since a lot of the questions are about the user wanting to do something or something that they have already tried. This allowed us to group all the variations of a word together for topic modeling. By default, lemmatizer uses the noun form. Later, we get rid of verbs in the dataset as nouns are better keywords for topic modeling. When it comes to more meaningful keywords as such as JQuery or Java, lemmatizer will keep them in the default form as the verbs for these words don’t exist. This is another reason why choosing the verb POS for lemmatization is more effective as it would detect all the verbs which would then be filtered out properly.

We have not opted for the PorterStemmer method as that tends to reduce words to root words that may not be in the standard English language.


f.        Part of Speech (POS) tagging

First we explored all types of POS tags that exist in the dataset for both title and body.

Common POS tags:

  • Nouns: NN
  • Plural nouns: NNS
  • Proper nouns: NNP, NNPS
  • Verbs: VBP, VBN and VBD
  • Adjectives: JJ, JJR, JJS
  • Adverbs: RB, RBR (comparative), RBS (superlative)

The graph above shows the distribution of the different POS tags in the dataset while the table below shows the exact frequencies in a table format. From the distributions, we can see that nouns are by far the most frequent (1,394,514) with adjectives coming in at second (367719). Verbs (VB, VBN, VBP, VBD etc) come up to around 19,000 to 20,000 in total while adverbs (RB, RBS, RBR) account for less than 50,000 of the instances.



The frequencies of the 40 highest occurring verbs are shown in the bar chart below. We can see that most of the words do not add much value for topic modeling. However, there are certain words that should really be in the noun category such as windows and android. On the other hand, certain words could fall under both verb and noun depending on the meaning and context. Such words are object and string. The POS tagger is not going to be able to handle these intricacies. Although, there is a good chance that some of these words also show up as nouns so we don’t have to delete them.


When it comes to adjectives the highest occurring words, shown below, are accurate to a good extent but there are some keywords such as android, library, c, url and php that need to be preserved as they could serve as potential keywords. Overall, the adjectives seem to be more useful for topic modeling than verbs. Hence, we may end up retaining this category.


The distribution of adverbs are shown above. Since adverbs describe an action (or verb), a lot of these words would be similar to verbs themselves. Hence, similar to verbs, adverbs don’t really provide a lot of keywords for our analysis. We can possibly get rid of these.

The graph below shows the top 40 nouns in the dataset and we can immediately see that most of these words could be crucial words for topic modeling. Words like jquery, image, array, java etc. are technical terms and would provide more meaning to our model than action words.


For our analysis, we only kept the nouns and got rid of other tags such as verbs, adverbs and adjectives. We did this by retaining all words with the POS tags NN, NNS, NNP and NNPS.


5.  Exploratory Data Analysis

From the distribution in the figure below, we can see that words such as create, jquery, server and java are some of the highest occurring words in the title column and they match our earlier visualization that contains just nouns. This makes sense as we only have nouns in our dataset.



6.  Topic Modeling Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

To find the best topic model for our data using LDA, two common word representations are compared and evaluated:

  • Bag of Words (BOW)

In this analysis, only the first 100,000 of the 450,000 plus instances were chosen as the computation power as well as time needed to model the entire dataset proved to be substantial making it not feasible for repeated model generation during evaluation and optimization.


a.      Preprocessing

The cleaned dataset containing the vocabulary was prepared for topic modeling by first converting the documents from string format to tokenized format. The dataset needed to be converted into a corpus. Before that, a dictionary of words had to be created which assigns a unique identifier to each word in the dataset, done using the copora.Dictionary() function of the genism Python library. This serves as a lookup table for all unique words, as shown below.


This dictionary of unique words is used to convert the dataset containing the documents to the bag of words (BOW) representation using the doc2bow() function, whereby providing a corpus of words. The corpus contains IDs representing each token and the frequency of that token in each document. Below, we can see the first 20 instances of the corpus. These 20 instances represent the first 20 documents in the BOW format.



Each document in the BOW format consists of a list of tuples where each tuple is of size two. The first number in the tuple is the ID of the word in the dictionary while the second number is the frequency of that word in the particular document. Therefore, the same ID can be present in more than one document.

The TFIDF representation, on the other hand, is similar to BOW with the difference being that the word frequencies in each document are not whole numbers but weighted decimal values between the range of 0 to 1, as shown below.



This representation of the corpus assigns higher values to words that are more unique in the collection of documents. For example, if a word occurs in many documents, it’s frequency in TFIDF will be relatively low in each document. On the other hand, if a word occurs very few times, its frequency will be higher in each document.


b.      Baseline model

The baseline LDA model was created using the following model parameters:

  • no_below (10): Ignores words that occur in less than 10 documents. Since these words are so rare, they would probably not provide much information for the mode. This is equivalent to removing features that contain too few non-null values when it comes to classification problems.
  • no_above (0.5): Ignores words that occur in more than 50% of documents. The motivation behind this is that words that occur too often don’t provide much useful information either.
  • keep_n (1000): Only considers the top 1000 most frequent words in the vocabulary for modeling. 
  • num_topics (20): Specifies the number of topics to generate.
  • passes (10): The number of iterations of LDA to execute. With 10 passes, the algorithm will create word distributions for each topic by going through all documents 10 times.
  • corpus: TFIDF

In order to come up with suitable model optimization strategies, the results of the baseline model was explored to build an initial understanding of how LDA treats our data.

Below are some of the key metrics that were taken into consideration while evaluating the baseline model as well as subsequent models:

  • Topic interpretability
  • Word distribution in each topic
  • Word distribution in other topics
  • Overall word distribution
  • Coherence scores (c_v and c_umass)

As most of these metrics are subjective and need to be evaluated manually, the performance of the LDA model largely depends on the distribution of words within each model and if they provide enough context to the model. Regardless of measurable metrics such as coherence, the evaluation eventually comes down to the manual interpretation of each topic.

The topics in the baseline model were evaluated by visualizing them using the pyLDAvis library which displays many of the aforementioned metrics all at once as shown in the visualization below.



In order to analyze the pyLDAvis visualization for our baseline model, the following chart characteristics had to be taken into consideration:

  • The circles represent the different topics where the proximity of each circle from another determines how similar the two topics are. The sizes of the circles indicate the importance of the topics. The number on the circles follows this notation as well where topic 1 has the largest circle. Despite the sizes, the credibility of each topic is still mostly dependent on human judgement.
  • The TFIDF corpus (multi-dimensional sparse matrix) has been reduced to a two-dimensional space using dimensionality reduction. In this case, Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) is used to do the reduction. Unfortunately, the results of dimensionality reduction are not too interpretable in terms of concrete numbers.
  • The bar plots on the right show the distribution of words in the corpus (blue) as well as in the selected topics (red).

Topic 4

We can see from the graph below that the term c in topic 4 is denoted as the most important term. This somewhat makes sense as we can see from the distribution plots on the right that this term’s frequency is the highest in the topic. Also, it interesting to note that it’s distribution in the corpus is only slightly higher than its frequency within the topic. This means that this term is highly unique to this particular topic and hence could define the overall nature of the topic.



The only other topic in which this term exists is 20. For the other top words in this topic such as issue, call, method and string, all the occurrences of these words in the corpus is only within this topic. Hence, these words are completely unique to this topic. No other topics contain these words. This can potentially help in isolating one topic from another.


Topic 1

Key words in this topic include image, content, css, page, link, access, load etc, as shown below. This would indicate that this topic has to do with things like web page formatting, blogging, web page templates and things of that nature.



Topic 2

This topic is slightly trickier to interpret. However, we do see some common themes appear if we combine some high-level topics such as databases, servers, web services, web pages and frameworks together. The pyLDAvis graph can be seen below.

For example, ajax provides client-side web technologies allowing web applications to retrieve data from online servers. On the other hand, rails is a server-side web application framework that provides structures for databases, web pages and web applications. When we compare these two terms, the similarity becomes apparent. Other terms that makes sense within this topic’s context are server, sql, system, file, type, generate, reference etc.



Topic 3

This topic seems to cover themes such as programming, data types and API.

Topic 5

The themes appear to be web applications, user interface and web development.

Based on these results, the baseline model provided fairly interpretable topics. We have a C_v coherence score of 0.4289 and a C_umass score of -11.9389. Just by themselves, these numbers don’t provide much meaning. More models will need to be evaluated to determine if these results are good or not.


c.       Model Optimization


Parameter tuning

For the optimization process, the number of passes was kept to 10 in order to quicken the model training. The goal was to change this value to 50 or 100 once the model was fine tuned in order to get more consistent results. Other parameters such as no_below and no_above are also kept the same at 10 and 0.5 respectively as these seemed to provide decent results.

Below is a summary of how the various parameters were used during the optimization process:

Parameters kept constant:

  • n_below: 10
  • n_above: 0.5
  • passes: 10

Tuned parameters:

  • TFIDF vs BOW

TFIDF appears to provide slightly clearer topics. Much of this interpretation is subjective and depends on manual analysis of word distributions in each topic.

  • Number of topics (num_topics)

The baseline model is first optimized by varying the number of topics in the LDA model for both TFIDF and BOW representations. Unfortunately, evaluation for these parameters needed to be manual as it was discovered that the number of topics strongly affects the coherence scores regardless of the practical contextual power of the topics for each model.

About 20 to 50 topics seemed to be the optimal number of topics. As the number of topics increases beyond 50, the number of important words within each topic became decreased and after a point, the topic was not interpretable anymore. On the other hand, if the number of topics was less than 20, the topics become too general and would consist of many topics.

  • Number of top most common words to keep in the model (keep_n)

In order to further optimize the model, the number of most frequent words to include in the model was also changed which is in fact an argument to the dictionary and not specifically for the LDA model. When this number was increased from 1000 to 10000, there were two noticeable changes:

  1. The topics on the PoCA graph were more evenly spread out. Before, a lot of the topics would be close to each other or concentrated in one area. Now, due to the higher number of words being considered, the semantic separation between topics appeared to be clearer.
  2. Secondly, the number of important words within each topic increased, which was mostly due to the higher number of total words in the model. As a result, the word distribution bar chart was now less right skewed and had a more even distribution. Due to this, there were more words available to describe the different topics.

The differences between keep_n values of 1000 and 10000 is captured by the respective plots below. In the first graph with, the topics can be seen to be very closely spaced from one another in the two-dimensional PoCA space. However, the second graph shows the topics more spread out. 



Evaluation metrics

Coherence score is one of the metrics to evaluate the topics. It measures the relative distance between words in a topic where the overall coherence score of a topic is the average of the distances between words. There are two major types c_v, typically between 0 and 1 and umass between -14 and 14. The plot below shows that the c_v coherence score increases, almost in linear fashion, with increasing number of topics. Also, there is a slight indication of a flattening of the curve as we reach 150 topics.



In the table below, we can see the relation between the umass score and the number topics. In contrary to the c_v score, the umass score actually decreases with increasing number of topics. However, it is to be noted that the rate of decrease flattens beyond a 100 topics.



After evaluating 10, the best model appeared to be the one which uses TFIDF, 40 topics and a keep_n value of 10,000. As discussed earlier, the following metrics were used to pick this model:

  • Topic interpretability: The five most important topics were used for evaluating each model. For our selected model, the topics were interpretable to a good extent with each topic actually comprising more than one theme.
  • Word distribution in each topic: A keep_n value of 10,000 with 40 topics provided a less skewed word distribution for each topic.
  • Word distribution in other topics: Mostly words that were unique to each topic were considered when defining each topic.
  • Overall word distribution: This relates to the previous point.
  • Coherence scores (c_v and c_umass): The coherence scores were not the most optimal for the selected model but as discussed earlier, topic interpretability in this case is more important.

Also, for each model, only the top five topics are evaluated to make the process quicker. Any further optimization was done using this model.


Alpha and Beta hyperparameters

The C_v scores in the scatter plot below show that the best score is 0.6107 corresponding to an alpha value of 0.1 and beta value of also 0.1. Overall, the plot shows a general downward trend as beta is increased.



The case is similar for alpha values but the changes are not as significant. This difference can be seen in the table below.



For C_umass, the general trend for the alpha parameter is slightly ascending as shown in Fig 29. However, the trend for beta is clearly upward trending with values such as 0.7 and 1.0 showing significantly higher values. C_umass scores closer to 0 indicate a higher cohesion between words and other topics. Our analysis has suggested that as the number of topics goes up, the C_umass score decreases. This means that as the number of topics increase, each word becomes more less semantically related with other topics. Since a lower score means lesser word correlation to other topics, it seems like the more desirable outcome.



Provided these findings, a higher C_v score and lower C_umass score seems like the best combination. Therefore, we can pick a value of 0.1 for both alpha and beta parameters.


Why settle for a C_v score of 0.6107 with only 40 topics even though model with 50,100 and 150 topics yielded higher scores?

Higher number of topics means lesser important words per topic. For these models, the interpretability of each topic was getting increasingly harder as there were very few words in each topic to form a general meaningful theme.


Using an alpha value of 50/T

A common practice for LDA is to use a value of 50/T where T is the number of topics. In our case, the number of topics is 40. Hence, another model was fitted with an alpha parameter of 50/40 or 1.25 while keeping beta at 0.1.

An alpha value of 1.25 yielded a better separation between topics, hence this would be a more ideal model. Also, during hyperparameter optimization we saw that as alpha increased from 0 to 1, the coherence score was still around the 0.6 range and did not deviate much. However, the PoCA plot showed that as we increase the alpha score, the topics are more evenly spread out in 2-dimensional space.


Optimizing number of passes

For this step, we compared the hyperparameter optimized models across 10 and 50 passes. From the visualization of the 50 passes model in the PyLDAvis graph below, we can straight away see that a lot of the topics are now clustered together in the top-right quadrant. Our initial impression with the 10 passes model was that the topics would have been spaced out evenly across the two-dimensional plane.

However, despite the topics being largely clustered in the PoCA plane, the model is actually better tuned if we examine the topic distributions on the right. For example, if we look at topic #3 for this model, we can see that all the word distributions within the topic are close to the overall word distribution in the dataset. This indicates that this topic is completely unique.



In slight contrast, the corresponding topic (#6) for the model with 10 passes (shown below) shows that frequency for words like jquery and array are significantly less than their overall distributions. Therefore, these words are not completely unique to this topic. The other topics follow the same trend. Hence, the 100 passes model’s topic #3 gets rid of the array term completely while making the jquery term the most important word in the topic. Hence, through this tradeoff the model was able to more accurately assemble this topic.



d.      Topic generation

Each of the 40 topics were manually assigned based on the word distributions for each topic. Most of the topics contained more than one keyword to describe the prevalent themes contained within the topic. Word distributions for topic 3 and topic 13 are shown below as examples. Topic 3 was assigned keywords such as data structures, websites and syntax while topic 6 was assigned the themes web design, web layout and internet. The PyLDAVis graphs provided a more extensive list of word distributions which were mainly used to determine the keywords in the topics.



7.  Predicting documents used for training

Shown below is a snippet of the topics predicted for the documents used to train the model. The following important columns are displayed in the table:

  • Document: This is the variable containing the documents to be predicted.
  • Dominant topic: Most relevant topic for the document.
  • Topic distribution: Distribution of the dominant topic within the document.
  • Keywords: Main themes describing the topic.



From the predictions we can make a couple of observations:

  • The predictions are fairly specific due to the respective keywords covering a broad set of categories which could indicate some overfitting. Another reason is that the keywords are from the top three topics predicted for the documents instead of a single category.
  • In most cases, the keywords describe the respective documents. However, as mentioned above, some of the additional keywords might lead to overfitting.

For the document [‘r’,’error’,’type’,’list’], the keyword data structures describes list while syntax and programming describes error, type and r. However, the additional keywords such as space, blogs and post do not represent any of the document words.

The bar chart below shows the overall frequency of each topic where some of the dominant keywords are related to programming, scripting and web development.



In order to further explore the keywords, the frequency of each individual keyword across all topics was determined, shown below. As expected, keywords such as scripting, programming, databases and web frameworks are the top themes. Fig 36, on the other hand, shows the least frequent keywords such as string, text, ios, iphone, apple, database developement, html, web page, search applications and search engine. Overall these keywords are mainly related to text, iphone, html and search engines. Hence, we can safely say that these are some of the least queried topics on Stack Exchange.



Some of these actually make sense. For example:

  • People generally don’t go to Stack Exchange for debug or troubleshooting questions with regards to the iphone. Other places like CNET or Gear Patrol might be more useful since it’s a consumer product.
  • Questions regarding text or string data are not as prevalent as topics such as syntax, numbers or data structures.
  • While HTML is the foundation of web page development, there are other languages such as JavaScript, CSS and PHP that have become more popular over time.
  • Not many people need help with search engines unless they are creating or simulating one on their own. Even then, creating a search engine is a very niche technical area.



The graph below shows the distribution of documents across each topic. This basically tells us what percentage of documents each topic appeared in. Topics 24, 2, 3 and 15 are the highest occurring topics.



Below, we can see the table sorted in descending order of document distribution which also shows the keywords contained within the aforementioned topics.



8.  Predicting unseen documents

Prediction using unseen data was done by selecting 100,000 other documents from the preprocessed dataset that we already had. Interestingly, the most of the top overall keywords resulting from the prediction are similar to the ones seen for the prediction done on the training data. In both cases, the eight highest occurring keywords are:

  1. Scripting
  2. Databases
  3. Programming
  4. Web frameworks
  5. Apps
  6. Object oriented programming
  7. Functions
  8. Cloud platforms

The table in below shows a comparison of the top keywords between train and test results. Notice that from the ninth keyword onward, the distribution starts to differ between the two sets. This indicates that the model generalizes particularly well when it comes to the top keywords and then sees some variation as less frequent keywords are encountered.



However, in order to get a sense of weather prediction on unseen data is actually effective, the frequencies were explored in further detail. The graph below shows the relative frequencies between train and test predicted data across all keywords. From the figure, we can see that for most of the high frequency keywords, the test numbers are higher. The sum of the frequencies of the top eight most frequent keywords for the test data (233,215) is approximately 30,000 higher than that of the train data (214,994). Considering that the total sum for all keywords are 885,299 and 884,673 for test and train data respectively, the difference between the top eight keywords seems significant, where the distance between the totals is about 600.



This shows that the prediction on the unseen documents is somewhat effective as the frequencies of the top topics are consistently higher than that of the test data.

The bar chart below shows the number of documents each topic appears in for both the train and test set. A key thing to notice is that the most frequently occurring topics contain some of the same keywords which are the most frequent words in the predicted results. For example, the highest document frequency for the test predictions occurs for the topic [‘functions’,’general programming’,’memory’,’space’] where words such as functions and programming are within the top 8 most frequent keywords. Another high document frequency topic is [‘functions’,’scripting’] where both words are high frequency keywords.



These topics also have a high document frequency for the train set. This indicates that in general, the high frequency keywords are predicting the most documents which makes sense. ­


9.   Conclusion

The final LDA model does a reasonable job in predicting unseen documents. However, it could sometimes over-predict a document. This is because in some cases, the number of keywords within a topic could exceed the number of words in the document. Also, since a topic could be a combination of two or more themes, it would use extra words to explain the document. Hence, it would over-explain certain documents.

In terms of predicting unseen data, the model provides similar results as the train data where both sets see the same eight most frequently occurring keywords such as scripting, databases, and programming. For lesser frequent words, the similarities between the sets reduce. When looking at the topics which cover the highest number of documents, both train and test sets have a few similar topics that provide high document frequencies.

Findings such as the most frequently occurring topics can be used by Stack Exchange or other forums or search engines to quickly filter search results due to the topic being so prevalent. Less frequent topics, on the other hand, could be promoted in order to find answers to those questions which might not be readily available.

Overall, the model can be applied to other applications such as reviews, articles, social media comments etc., to provide a quick summary providing users with relevant information. Additionally, the model can be used by search engines to display topics relevant to the typed word or words.