Finding the best locations in North Carolina’s Research Triangle to buy a home using Zillow data

It’s an odd time for the United States real estate market. On one hand, you have all-time high (or nearly all-time high) housing prices and “Finding the best locations in North Carolina’s Research Triangle to buy a home using Zillow data”

Creating a data strategy for sustainable investing via an interactive dashboard using Plotly and Dash

Sustainable investing is a fairly recent concept. With rising global temperatures, disappearing rainforests and an increase in carbon emissions, the past decade or so has “Creating a data strategy for sustainable investing via an interactive dashboard using Plotly and Dash”

Adding new metrics to the Python finance tracking dashboard and making it accessible via a Streamlit App

To provide some background and a recap, the idea behind the dashboard was to track financial indexes, economic indicators and COVID statistics on a consolidated “Adding new metrics to the Python finance tracking dashboard and making it accessible via a Streamlit App”